Hello. My name is Marvin Williams, and I am a recovering people pleaser. I wanted to be wanted and liked to be liked. I needed validation from outside sources, especially from people I admired. It was hard for me to say “no” for fear of disappointing others. If you resonate with the list above, then you might be a people pleaser. So, what are some other indicators that you are a people pleaser? How do you fix it?
Category Archives: Jesus
Brutal Injustice Against a White, Special-Needs Man In Chicago
Injustice of any kind is evil. Injustice against the vulnerable and special-needs people is despicable. The four African-Americans that terrorized and beat a white, special-needs man in Chicago is repulsive. How should we respond to this horrific ordeal?
The One Thing That Keeps Our Relationships From Soaring
Everyone wants their relationships to soar. I know I do. If you are anything like me, you want your relationships to continue to grow and ride the winds. There is one thing that keeps our relationships grounded and without the hope of taking off.
What Most Christians Get Wrong About Gratitude
3 Powerful Ways to Build a Life of Thanksgiving
We are about to celebrate Thanksgiving – the day we set aside to express gratitude. Though the Bible says that gratitude should be a lifestyle, we often fall short of this ideal. So, how do we stop our chronic complaining and build a life of gratitude?
Donald J. Trump Becomes Our 45th President!
8 Important Responses to Donald Trump Winning the Presidency
Well, ladies and gentlemen, in a stunning and historic upset over Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America. For many, this is a dream come true. For others, it is a nightmare from which they desire to be awakened. So, what do we do now? How should we respond?
What Does It Mean to Grieve the Holy Spirit?
We all do it even though we know we shouldn’t. Sometimes, we are aware when we do it, and sometimes we are not. But, we all do it, and it hurts him when we do. In Ephesians 4:30, Paul told the Ephesians to not grieve the Holy Spirit. But, what does it mean to grieve the Spirit?
A Seven Day Challenge That Will Change Our World
Words can create a world of good or a world of destruction. Our words have power. Life and death, healing and destruction, and blessing and cursing reside in the power of our words. They can build people up or; they can tear people down. How do we use our words to create a world of healing, comfort, and peace for others in our sphere of influence?
Does The Bible Endorse Misogyny?
Over the last week, we have been brought face to face with misogyny. Some have concluded that it was just “macho talk,” “locker room talk,” or “nothing more than words.” It was nothing more than misogynistic trash. Yet, some critics of the Bible say Christians should not judge because the biblical writers teach and endorse misogyny. Is this true? Does the Bible support misogynistic behavior?
Responding to Christians Who Support Clinton or Trump
The Trump-Clinton presidential race has brought out the absolute worst in people, especially Christians. With verbal claws and fangs out, under the cloak of love for God, Republicans prey on Democrats and Democrats prey on Republicans. It is quite embarrassing. So, how should we respond to followers of Jesus who support Trump and Clinton?
5 Lessons I Learned from The Trump-Clinton Debate
Close to 100 million people watched the Trump/Clinton debate last night. The presidential debate was a highly anticipated event. As I looked at the first presidential debate, I learned at least five lessons.