Racism Shows Up in Charlottesville

How The Church Should Respond

Reading Time: 6 minutes

On Friday night, racism reared its ugly head once again. Eerily reminiscent of the dark days of the KKK, white nationalists and white supremacists wielded tiki torches – attempting to instill fear – as they marched through Charlottesville, Virginia. This was the face of pure evil. But, how should Christ-followers respond?

Stuff We Should Leave in 2016

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are just days from saying goodbye to 2016 and hello to 2017.  With new beginnings, we always have to think about what we want and need to leave behind to accomplish our goals. Here is a non-exhaustive list of trends, attitudes, habits and people I believe that we should leave in 2016.

A Prayer For a Racially Divided World

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The racial tension in our country is distressing and heart-numbing. I hesitated to speak to anyone about it for fear of my words sounding trite and appearing impotent. When I learned of the shootings of Keith Scott and Terence Crutcher, I offered a prayer to our Father. When my son called me asking me to help him make sense of the shootings, I offered a prayer to our good, good Father.