When God Delays His Answers To Our Prayers

A woman is frustrated because she is experiencing delays.Reading Time: 3 minutes

When God delays his answers to our prayers, it can be frustrating. If we don’t see immediate responses, we tend to lose heart and give up. I am convinced that our Father doesn’t want us to call it quits when we pray. But, what should we do when God delays his answers to our requests?

How We Can Bless Our Children This Year

Covering Our Children with Back To School Prayers

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is one way we can bless our children as they go back to school this week? This week marks the beginning of another school year for most of our children.  Consequently, the school year fills many of us with a hint of anxiety. We desire our children to make good and godly choices. So, parents, join me in covering our children with powerful prayers in several areas this school year.

Before You Press Post, Send or Tweet

5 Important Practices For Jesus-Followers Addressing Issues Online

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We debate with ourselves as to whether we should. Something is telling us not to. But, we listen to our baser selves and do it anyway. We press post, send or tweet. And, all online hell breaks loose. But, we can avoid the firestorm and the carnage if we engage five essential practices for addressing social and cultural issues online.

Reflections On The Original Labor Day

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s Labor Day! Today, we celebrate and honor the American labor movement and all the workers who have contributed to the prosperity and strength of this country. No doubt, many will have cookouts, spending time with family and simply relax. As we enjoy the unofficial end of summer, let’s remember the original Labor Day.

5 Worthy Things We Should Pursue Every Day

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Each day we have a choice to pursue worthy or unworthy things. Life is too short to chase the unimportant. We must choose to abandon the worthless and pursue those things that are worth our time and energy. Here are, at least, five things that we should seek every day.