One Question to Ask Before Posting On Social Media

Reading Time: 5 minutes

When we tweet or post something on social media, it can be a great avenue to help people stay connected and spark healthy conversation. Unfortunately, it a place where people think they can use their words to display their ignorance, the depth of their depravity, and vulgarity, without any significant consequences. Well, on the internet, “words create worlds,” and one Cleveland Cavaliers fan found out that his words created a world of unemployment for him.

How Not to Be a Foolish Father

6 Responsibilities of Dynamic Dads

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Your faults as a son, are my failures as a father. These are the remorseful words of Marcus Aurelius to his son, Commodus, in the movie Gladiator, when he realized that he had not done an adequate job preparing him to be emperor. I think these should have been the words of Dan Turner to his son, ex-Stanford University swimmer, Brock Turner after he assaulted and raped a woman in 2015.  But, his words were far from remorseful and repentant. They were foolish, absurd, ridiculous, asinine.

Good Sex

Biblical Keys To Unlocking Sexual Intimacy In Marriage (Part 2)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In Part 1 of Good Sex: Biblical Keys to Unlocking Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, I gave you two guidelines or key to having good sex in your marriage. In this post I want to answer two questions: Are there legitimate times, however, when a married couple can or should abstain from sexual intimacy?  If so, why should a couple refrain from sexual intimacy?

Good Sex

Biblical Keys to Unlocking Sexual Intimacy In Marriage (Part 1)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

For most Christians, we got married so we could have good sex – God-honoring sex. Sex is not the marriage, but it certainly is one of the perks and benefits of the marital relationship. But, how do we discover, rediscover, and maintain healthy sexual intimacy in marriage? Are there keys or guidelines to unlocking the door of “good sex” in marriage?

The Way We Think About Sex Is Broken

5 Principles That Should Shape Our Thinking About Sex

Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you Google the word sex, you will get approximately 1.8 billion hits. Next week the number will be higher This is not surprising. Many of those hits, more than likely, reveal the brokenness, corrupted, devalued and ugly side of sex. This was never God’s plan for this beautiful and amazing gift. When we embrace and appreciate the WHY of sex, then we will begin to enjoy the WHAT of sex. Why did God create and give us this beautiful gift anyway?

Momma, Happy Mother’s Day!

What I Would Say to My Mother If She Was Still Alive

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I can’t believe Momma has been gone nine months. This Mother’s Day will be another FIRST for our family. You know, the first birthday, the first Thanksgiving, the first Christmas, the first Memorial Day, that my mother is not with us. It is still unreal and surreal. To remember my mother this Mother’s Day, I decided to write her a letter.

Singles Are Not Unfinished Business (Part 2)

The One Key to Maximizing Your Singleness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In my last post, Singles Are Not Unfinished Business, I encouraged singles to embrace their singleness as a blessing and not a curse. Not only should singles embrace singleness as a blessing, but I believe there is a second courageous move that will allow singles to celebrate and maximize their singleness.

Singles Are Not Unfinished Business

Embracing Your Singleness As a Blessing

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The church has not served singles well. Sometimes we communicate the subtle message that “You are incomplete if you are not married or, you haven’t lived, or can’t be fulfilled until you’re married.” This kind of thinking is not God’s view at all. If you are single, I want you to know that you are not unfinished business.

How To Rebuild Trust Once It’s Been Broken

What is the Responsibility of the Betrayer?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Can a relationship be restored once trust is broken? I am sure D’Angelo Russell, point guard for the Los Angeles Lakers, is asking this question after he broke an unspoken locker room code – you don’t gossip about a teammate’s personal business. Where do you begin if you want to rebuild trust when you are the one who perpetrated the damage?

What I Said At The Funeral for A Baby

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Recently, I did a graveside funeral for a baby. After carrying the baby for nine months, the mother delivered the baby stillborn. Comforting parents and leading a service like this is one of the most painful responsibilities of my job as a pastor. Words seem so empty and inadequate. In addition to practicing the ministry of presence, here is what I said to the family at the graveside service (I have not used the real names of baby and mother in this post):