The racial tension in our country is distressing and heart-numbing. I hesitated to speak to anyone about it for fear of my words sounding trite and appearing impotent. When I learned of the shootings of Keith Scott and Terence Crutcher, I offered a prayer to our Father. When my son called me asking me to help him make sense of the shootings, I offered a prayer to our good, good Father.
Category Archives: Jesus
A Biblical Way to Think About Labor Day
It’s Labor Day! Today, we celebrate and honor the American labor movement and all the workers who have contributed to the prosperity and strength of this country. No doubt, many will have cookouts, spending time with family and simply relax. As we enjoy the unofficial end of summer, let’s remember the original Labor Day.
The Enemy Is Defeated
One of the highlights of my recent trip to Kenya was meeting Ruth. Ruth – the woman pictured – used to be the high priestess of Satan and a famous witch doctor in a small Kenyan village, outside of Tala. Her fame as a witch doctor was so pervasive that even one of the pastors I was training was one of her consistent customers. Several months ago, she surrendered her life to Jesus and burned all her paraphernalia. Praise the Lord!!!!
There is power in the cross of Jesus. This power breaks every chain and sets people free. When Jesus died on the cross, he won victories over sin, temptation, the world, death, and over the devil. Ruth’s conversion and transformation is an example of Jesus’ power to defeat the enemy.
As a result of her conversion, she is now an witnessing to people in her village. Watching her worship Jesus, made me realize the power of the gospel to transform darkness into light. Also, I understand more than ever that worship is a weapon to defeat Satan and his dark forces.
Satan Attacks
As a result of her conversion, Satan is angry and is attacking her through hurting her family. Her husband and one of her sons have died, another child is sick. Her granddaughter has sores, from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. I don’t tend to see the enemy behind every bad thing that happens to believers. However, I believe these are malicious, Satanic attacks, designed to discourage her and tempt her to go back to working for Satan. Consequently, she experiences discouragement, and the enemy tempts her to go back to her former lifestyle.
Stand With Ruth
Though this conflict is personal, strenuous, and continual, I believe Ruth is victorious in Jesus. Let’s pray the armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) over Ruth and stand and fight with her. As we pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion, Ruth will fight and stand in God’s strength against Satan and his dark forces.
Jesus has shared his victory with us:
As it is written: “For your sake, we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:36-37
One Sentence That Could Change Everything
There is one sentence that I think could change the way we live our lives. It could change the way we treat our families, spend our money, do our jobs, and even relate to and interact with God. When you read and say it, you will want to shrink back. Don’t. Lean in. Embrace it. Live it. I believe it is a game changer.
What Should Christians Believe About Cremation?
One question people consistently ask me is, how should Christians think about cremation? If Christian families opt to have a believing loved one cremated instead of being buried, are they sinning? Should we cremate or bury? How will God reunite our body with our spirit, if there is not a body to join? This post addresses these questions and more.
What Happens At The Moment of Our Death?
Do All Dead People Go To a Better Place? - Part 3
Over the last couple posts, I have attempted to answer a few burning questions: What will happen at the moment of our death? What does the Bible say is the destination for each person when they die? Do all dead people go to a better place? Will we go to heaven or will we go to hell? What does the Bible say?
What Happens The Moment We Die
Why We Believe All Dead People Go to a Better Place - Part 2
Where will I go when I die? Many people believe all dead people go to a better place. Why is this the case? On yesterday, in Part One, I said that the rise of psychics is one reason why some people believe this. Today, I want to give you two more reasons why people think all dead people go to a better place.
How to Have Optimism In a Cynical World
Finding Hope for a Better Tomorrow
Given the recent spasms of violence in our world, I understand why people are cynical and find it difficult to have optimism. But, despite all that we see going on around us, I believe we can dream and hope for a better tomorrow.
Violence Erupts Again in Baton Rouge
Violence! Violence! Before I pronounced the benediction in our first worship gathering yesterday, it had happened again. Someone said to me: “It happened again. There has been another police shooting. This time in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Three officers were shot and killed and three more wounded.” My only response was, “Lord, please have mercy on us.” What do we do? How do we move forward?
The Blessing of Putting Your Hands on Your Spouse
I think it’s a blessing for a husband to put his hands on his wife. If a husband tells me he has never put his hands on his wife, I would ask, “Why not? You must not love your wife.” If a wife tells me she has never put her hands on her husband, I would honestly question her love for him. It is unfortunate that more spouses aren’t putting their hands on one another. I think there is a benefit to spouses putting their hands on one another.