I want to consistently have the best day ever, and I know you do too. If we are going to have the best day ever, there are some decisions and affirmations about our lives and our day we should make before our day begins. How we think about God and ourselves will affect our attitudes and thereby shaping our day.
In my previous posts, Singles Are Not Unfinished Business and The One Key To Maximizing Your Singleness, I said singleness is a blessing and contentment is the key to celebrating and maximizing your singleness. While you are embracing singleness and a blessing and growing in contentment, what should you do in the meantime?
In my last post, Singles Are Not Unfinished Business, I encouraged singles to embrace their singleness as a blessing and not a curse. Not only should singles embrace singleness as a blessing, but I believe there is a second courageous move that will allow singles to celebrate and maximize their singleness.
Every day you and I are faced with the option of deciding which Jesus we want. I wish I could tell you I always want the right one, but the truth is sometimes I ask for the wrong Jesus.
Lord, I need your guidance. Where should I live? What should be my life’s work/career? Who should I marry? How many children should we have? Who should I hire? Should I take the job in North Carolina or the one in Minnesota? The Bible doesn’t specifically address these questions, but God wants to give us answers to these questions. How do we place ourselves in a position that gives us a better chance of receiving answers from God when we seek him?
I have a problem! Some problems are difficult to solve and need complex solutions. Others issues are simple and need more practical decoding. Here is a five-step process to help you solve simple problems.
Matt Cutts joined Google as a software engineer in January 2000. He currently is head of Google’s Webspam team, but he is on a year-long nonpaid leave of absence. He wanted to see if his team could work without him.
Matt Cutts gained more popularity when he gave an inspiring 3-minute TED Talk. Watch and be inspired. You can also find a transcript of his talk here.
No family is immune to a crisis. At some point in time, every family will be at a critical juncture in their lives. When families face a crisis, many tend to respond hysterically, with emotional breakdowns, panic attacks, and acting out old habits. Also, some experience loss of sleep, loss of weight, isolation, and even depression. I am convinced that this does not have to be your story.
My mother’s sudden death several months ago shocked, grieved, crushed, and inspired new life in me at the same time. We were about to tee off on the last hole when I reached in my golf bag to check my phone. I was alarmed when I saw that I had at least ten missed calls and messages. Nervous about returning the calls, I finally forced my fingers to call my wife. As soon as she answered the phone, I knew something was wrong.
How long have you ever gone without your iPhone? Ten minutes? An hour? A day? Three days? Well, try three weeks. Yes, I went three weeks without my iPhone. I learned a few surprising lessons in the process.