4 Ways to Respond to Other People’s Good News

How to Be Happy About Another Person's Happiness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When friends share bad news with us, we tend to sympathize and even weep with them. But, what about when friends share their good news with us? It seems like it takes a little more time and maturity to be happy about their happiness. I hate this about myself. How can we be happy about another person’s happiness?

I Would Marry You Again

Celebrating 22 Years of Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Twenty-two years ago, today, a beautiful and smart woman named Tonia, said yes to my proposal and agreed to marry me. I was nothing special. But, she said yes. And, two decades later, we are still together. I often think if I had to do it over, would I bypass all others and take her hand again? So, I dedicate these lines to my fine wine.

The Way We Treat Stupid People Might Be All Wrong

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We tend to be more sympathetic and willing to help people who are innocent victims, people who have fallen into trouble through no fault of their own. What about the stupid people? Do stupid people deserve our compassion and help? Most of us would be less sympathetic and not willing to help. “They made their bed; let them lie in it.” But, Jesus tells a surprising story to help us understand how the way we think about and treat stupid people might be all wrong.

Talks A Dad Should Have With His Children

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Dads, Happy Father’s Day! I hope your children celebrate you in a big way. You deserve it. Dad, you have great influence on your kids, and I know you want to help them navigate life better. Here are some lessons that I think can help children sidestep the landmines of life.

One Question to Ask Before Posting On Social Media

Reading Time: 5 minutes

When we tweet or post something on social media, it can be a great avenue to help people stay connected and spark healthy conversation. Unfortunately, it a place where people think they can use their words to display their ignorance, the depth of their depravity, and vulgarity, without any significant consequences. Well, on the internet, “words create worlds,” and one Cleveland Cavaliers fan found out that his words created a world of unemployment for him.

13 Significant Prayers Every Leader Should Pray Daily

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Whether you are a parent, coach, or entrepreneur, you are a leader. Leadership is about moving people forward to accomplish what they probably could not accomplish on their own. Consequently, leading people is a tough job. It is even tougher when you attempt to lead in your strength. Therefore, it is crucial for leaders to pray certain prayers every day.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” We are merely moving shadows and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. Psalm 39:4-6

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Because our time is limited, we should limit what we do with our time. 

Should We Pray to God for Success?

12 Prerequisites That Will Increase Our Chances for Success

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a success-drunk culture, is it legitimate for us to ask God to give us success in finding a spouse, building a business, getting into the college of your choice, and building a good life? Are we compromising spiritual depth by pursuing material success? I believe God wants us to achieve and be successful. However, I believe he calls us to meet a few biblical prerequisites to increase our chances for experiencing his blessings.