How To Rebuild Trust Once It’s Been Broken

What is the Responsibility of the Betrayer?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Can a relationship be restored once trust is broken? I am sure D’Angelo Russell, point guard for the Los Angeles Lakers, is asking this question after he broke an unspoken locker room code – you don’t gossip about a teammate’s personal business. Where do you begin if you want to rebuild trust when you are the one who perpetrated the damage?

Lord, Have Mercy!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Lord, we awakened this morning, shaken by to another senseless bombing. This time the coordinated violence occurred in Brussels, Belgium. More than 30 killed and hundreds injured. This breaks my heart in so many ways.

Lord, I trust you, but I have to admit, I don’t understand. I am baffled and disturbed by this event and others around the world. I have questions. Lots of them. I struggle to make sense of the sorrow, pain, and violence. I feel like my prayers aren’t enough for what happened in Brussels today.

Lord, I need you to calm the quakes and stabilize the shifts. Yet, even in the wrestling, I will praise you. I will still believe you are a good God. I will trust you to make right this wrong and bring gospel redemption. I believe but help my unbelief.

So, in their darkness, pain, suffering, have mercy and be a refuge and strength and a very present help in this time of trouble.


12 Spiritual Benefits of Attending Worship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Attending worship has fallen on hard times. More people are skipping the worship gathering. The pews are empty, and the buildings have become increasingly cold. Even committed Christians are attending church less. I wonder if people realize the spiritual benefits they are forfeiting when they miss the worship gathering.  

23 Declarations I’ll Make If Trump or Clinton Is Elected

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Trump-anxiety. “Clintonitis.” Are these real conditions? Psychologists and massage therapists believe they are real. Consequently, they are seeing more and more of their clients stressing over the rise of Donald Trump and the potential of Clinton being elected. People are fearful, nervous, and panicky about the possibility of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton becoming president of the United States, and I don’t blame them.

Who Should I Vote For?

Is There A Biblical Way to Vote? (Part 2)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Who should I vote for? In the previous post, I attempted to establish that a follower of Jesus has the privilege and responsibility to carry out his/her civic responsibility to vote. But, are there specific biblical principles that should govern our thinking in voting for specific political candidates? I believe the Bible gives us some guidelines that should govern our thinking when evaluating political candidates.

Should a Christian Vote?

Is There a Biblical Way to Vote (Part 1)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Vote! We know we should, but is there a biblical way to do it? It’s election season. Presidential candidates are looking for our votes. They are jet-setting from city to city, shaking hands, kissing babies, slinging mud, giving passionate speeches in churches, and trying to win our vote. As I think about the upcoming election, I have a few questions: How should followers of Jesus think about voting? Is there a biblical way to vote? How do I participate in a process that seems to elect people who are diametrically opposed to my Christian values? What should Christians do?