Are You Asking for The Wrong Jesus

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every day you and I are faced with the option of deciding which Jesus we want. I wish I could tell you I always want the right one, but the truth is sometimes I ask for the wrong Jesus.

Jesus the Messiah died for our sins

While reading the gospel of Matthew, I came across something I had never paid attention to before.

“Now it was the governor’s custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd. At that time, they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas. So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, ‘Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?’ For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him. But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed. Which of the two do you want me to release to you? asked the governor. ‘Barabbas,’ they answered.” (Matthew 27 15-21)

Two men named Jesus – Jesus Barabbas and Jesus who is called Messiah. In essence, Pilate was asking a profound question: Which Jesus do you want? Which Jesus do you prefer? The question that Pilate posed to the people, is the same question you and I are faced with every day. Which Jesus do you want? Which Jesus will you choose?  I wish I could tell you I always want Jesus who is called Messiah. Some days I ask for the wrong Jesus.

Give me Barabbas!
Give me insurrection.
Give me rebellion.
Give me murder
Give me darkness.
Give me selfish ambition.
Give me pride.
Give me self-promotion.
Give me an undisturbed conscience
Give me company among the irreverent.
Give me Barabbas!

Don’t give me Jesus, who is called Messiah
He disturbs my values.
He upsets my world.
He challenges my lifestyle.
He quakes my stability and equilibrium.
He calls me from comfort to sacrifice.
He calls me from ease to pain.

I know he is the wrong Jesus, but I’ll take Barabbas, thank you very much.
He doesn’t expect anything from me.
He wants to develop a subdivision in my soul and live there, hideout there.
Give me Barabbas!
Jesus, who is called Messiah is too subversive.
I don’t think I want him.
His way is too costly.
His words are too hard.

Give me Barabbas!
Give me my way, my selfish desires.
Give me freedom from sacrifice.
Leave me to my own devices and vices.
I don’t want change, but I need change.
I don’t want Jesus, the one who is called Messiah, but I need Him.

Give me Barabbas!
No! Give me Jesus, who is called Messiah!

I have spent way too much of my life choosing Barabbas.

Today is a new day to choose Jesus, the one who is called Messiah. Barabbas must be silenced, rejected and refused. Today, right now, in this instance, give me Jesus, the one who breaks the grip of Barabbas. Today, give me Jesus, the one who became Barabbas so that my sins could be forgiven and I could go free. Today, in this moment and in this instance, I choose Jesus, the one who is called Messiah.

Turn Your Minutes into Moments

When are you tempted to ask for the wrong Jesus?

What are some practical ways you can choose Jesus today?

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