Each day we have a choice to pursue worthy or unworthy things. Life is too short to chase the unimportant. We must choose to abandon the worthless and pursue those things that are worth our time and energy. Here are, at least, five things that we should seek every day.

Pursue a more intimate relationship with God.
We were created to know and love God (John 17:3). Pursuing a close relationship with God is a most worthy treasure we can and should pursue. First, we must ask God for a desire to want to spend time alone with God. The more time we spend with God, the more we will want to spend time with him, and the greater our love will be for him. This love is not merely having knowledge about God, but affectionately relating to God. The way we seek God is by talking and listening to God through prayer and His Word. Pursuing God is all about hearing what he says and doing what he says. Chase God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Speak his love language – obedience to his commands. Therefore, before you pursue anything or anyone else in your day, seek God. Because God designed us to know him, then everything else we pursue pales in comparison. So, he must be our primary pursuit.
Pursue deeper relationships with our families and friends.
God created us for community and deep connections with people (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). It doesn’t matter who we are; God designed us for human connection. The closest connection we have is with our family – mother, father, siblings, spouse, and children and friends. So, be intentional. Call. Text. Spend quality and quantity time with those you love. Put it on your calendar. But, also allow yourself to be interrupted. These moments are often the holiest of all and when God speaks the loudest.
Pursue smarter choices concerning our health.
We live in a stressful world. A stressful world often leads to stressful and unhealthy lives. Stress affects every part of our lives. It affects our immune system, our sleep, our mental health, and our eating habits. God has given us one body, and he expects us to be good managers of it (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). How can we pursue our health? So, get up and get out. Exercise daily. Move for at least thirty minutes a day. Walk. Run. Bike. Swim. Just move and get your heart pumping. Moreover, make healthier eating choices. Eat sensible meals and cut out as much sugar as possible.
Pursue greater awareness of ourselves.
Self-deception is the worst kind of deception (Jeremiah 17:9). Self-awareness is the solution to self-deception. According to Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund, self-awareness is the ability to look inward, think deeply about your behavior, and consider how it aligns with your moral standards and values. They argued that when your behavior is out of alignment with your values, you feel uncomfortable, unhappy and adverse. Thus, you can quickly fall into a mode of self-deception. Therefore, understand your strength and weaknesses, know the impact you have on others, focus on other people and ask for feed back.
Pursue the discovery of something new.
Each day we should stretch our minds by learning something new. The moment we stop learning is the moment we stop living. God wants us to love him with our hearts and mind. We love God with our minds by continuing to remain curious. Therefore, ask questions of people who are smarter than you are. Read books and articles outside your discipline. Expand your intellectual horizon by exposing yourself to new and different knowledge. One of my sources for learning something new every day is www.curious.com You can customize and have a curious quotient workout delivered to your inbox every day. Check it out.
So, my friends, choose to abandon your pursuit of the unimportant and chase after those things that add the most value to your life and the lives of others.
What are there other things we should pursue each day?
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